6309 Orange Diver NH36

Quite、reluctantly、I assembled it today
6309The diver used to、I assembled the black and yellow、This time it's orange。
Dial and needle、ebay
later、This is Ariek(;_;)
also、12The shape of the hour index and the square index are、I'm making the most of it!
The minute hand is just a few steps away、I want to push it in(;_;)
It was so hard that I put too much pressure on it and almost couldn't make it touch the hour hand.(;_;)、Because it moves
Is it okay?(;_;)

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One Reply to “6309 Orange Diver NH36”

  1. おぅ!私もここの所は忙しかったり過去と同じModが多かったりで記事をあげられない中次々とネタをご提供いただきまして、Thank you very much。

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